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Week 13

Hi All,

Big break coming soon!!  Use this week to make sure that you can have a restful and fun Thanksgiving.  Be mindful of timing on for your final paper draft and final composition projects –manage your time well.
NYU Students: Check the google calendar for the place/time of the Comp Final Showing/Feedback sessions.  There are outside our usual Friday schedule, and we would love you there!
1) Location and full time frame of Friday’s class TBD.  As soon as we know it, we’ll send it.
2) You have a journal due on 11/30, noted below and in Adrienne’s syllabus.  Plan for that ahead of time.
3) Please bring the copy of your rough drafts to Al & Sal on Friday, if you have not already given it to us.
1) You have a rehearsal this Thursday for the Comp final showing. Time and location is listed in your syllabus.  Make sure to plan the writing of your final draft accordingly.
2) If you’re going home for Thanksgiving do not plan to leave before 4-4:30 on Friday, November 20th.  If you’re not going home, come to Al’s!
3) If you have not already, email Al to let her know you took a Streb class.
4) In advance of Friday’s A&R class, you were required to have taken a Burlesque class. Let us know if you did it! You still have this Thursday to do it.
11/16 Mon. (2-5pm): WK 13 COMP—Text and Site-specific Performance @ Gibney Studio D
Guest Artist: Karinne Keithley Syers
In this class we will work with dance artist and playwright Karinne Keithley Syers on creating and performing text. Note: during this time, students should also work together capture still and moving images for possible use in promotional materials. We will discuss the difference between archival footage/work sample for submission in an applications and a promotional clip or reel.
11/19 Thurs. (due on Bb/via email by 5pm): *Research Paper # 2 Final Draft Due*
——(5-7pm): WK 13 COMP REHEARSAL—Mandatory Independent Work Time at SOS. Note: during this time, students should also continue to capture still and moving images for possible use in promotional materials.
11/20 Fri. (9:30-4pm): WK 13 A&R CLASS/EXPERIENTIAL—DIY:PERFORMANCE @ TBD Brooklyn Deli for site specific coffee klatch
Bring cash for snack. Bring your lunch.

Guest Hannah Schwadron gives a new slant on DIY performance and the connections between research and performance.  Schwadron is a decidedly serious scholar from and a funky, funny, provocative DIY performer. Her investigations/performances roam around issues of gender, humor and sexiness in the neo-Jewish female burlesque and cabaret-dancing shows that attract a devoted niche audience and performances by smart women breaking boundaries and asking questions.

READINGS: Schwadron, Hannah: The case of the sexy Jewess: Dance, Gender and Jewish Joke-work in US Pop Culture, “Horah at the Highline and Nice Jewish Girls Gone Blue: Burlesque Nostalgia and the Downwardly Mobile.”  Publication pending, manuscript. pp. 1-37.

11/22 Sun. (due on Bb by 11:59pm): WK 13 JOURNAL—NONE!
11/30 Sun (due on Bb by 11:59pm): WK 13/14 JOURNAL—Compile complete program information for final showing. Examples will be provided on Blackboard.