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Combined Pathway in Dance: BFA & MA

In keeping with The School of Dance’s commitment to nurturing the highest caliber of dance training, art making, and scholarship, the combined pathway offers an opportunity to earn both a BFA degree and an MA degree in Dance. Within a targeted tenure of five years, the combined pathway is designed so that successful candidates merge graduate level coursework into the undergraduate senior year, then complete the graduate degree the following year.

Dancers rehearsing for Yayun Li’s Attention on Me.
Dancers rehearsing for Yayun Li’s Attention on Me.

Advisor Contact Info

BFA Program Advisor
Ilana Goldman
Academic Program Manager
Jeffrey Bray
Program Overview

This program is ideal for the undergraduate dance major who has identified area of interest within the School of Dance curriculum and seeks to deepen their investigation into this/these area. Guided by the mentorship of distinguished faculty, the program is designed to support self-driven inquiry and offer curricular flexibility. Students pursue elective coursework that relates to their area of interest, deepening their understanding of dance studio studies and scholarship and engaging in significant investigation via process-based research.

The MA with a focus on Studio and Related Studies (SRS) offers students the ability to self-design a course of study that augments dance training with coursework in choreography, technology, dance sciences, administration, production, and/or other areas of interest to the particular student. SRS candidates complete 36 hours for the degree and work towards a cumulative capstone project unique to their own experience.

Students may apply twelve hours of graduate credit towards both their BFA and MA in Dance degrees. Please note: undergraduate seniors enrolled in courses for graduate credit may not carry a semester load of more than fifteen (15) credit hours.

  • Admissions Requirements

    Requirements for admission include: an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0; a GPA of 3.0 in all dance coursework, successful obtainment of proficiency in dance technique, as defined by the School of Dance; and a formal application to the Graduate School and School of Dance. Undergraduate students engaged in the combined pathway may register for six (6) hours of graduate level coursework during each semester of their senior year, provided that students obtain the approval of the Dean of the College of Fine Arts, the School of Dance Department Chair, and the course instructor. Undergraduate seniors enrolled in courses for graduate credit may not carry a semester load of more than fifteen (15) credit hours. Students must have eligibility of combined pathway participation certified in the Office of the University Registrar before seeking Dean and instructor approval.

    Potential candidates should meet with their academic advisor to determine if the program aligns with the student’s trajectory of study. Qualified students normally apply to the School of Dance combined pathway in their junior year. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not required for admission although students should make a formal application to FSU’s Graduate School and the School of Dance’s Graduate Program during the last semester of their senior year.

  • Graduate Financial Aid

    Graduate Assistantships are available to qualified students and often combines teaching and research or a combination of different work responsibilities. When applying, it is important to include as much information as possible about special abilities, interests, and experience.

    • Teaching Assistantships: To be eligible for an assistantship in technique (ballet or contemporary dance), the student must first successfully complete the apprenticeship program (see below).
    • Research Assistantships: These involve work in specialized areas such as costumes, publicity, production, etc. Applicants must demonstrate ability in their chosen area.
    • Apprenticeship Program: Candidates for apprenticeships must have achieved the most advanced level in the technique they wish to teach. Their work at this level will be assessed for at least one semester. During the same term, the candidate will observe a minimum of ten nonmajor technique classes and will teach three nonmajor classes, which faculty members will observe and assess. After successfully completing this apprenticeship, the student is eligible for consideration as a teaching assistant. Candidates designated as returning professionals by the graduate faculty are exempt from the apprenticeship requirement.

    How to Apply for Aid: Download, complete, and return the Graduate Apprenticeship Assistantship Application.

Beth Gill rehearses New Work for the Desert. Photo by Chris Cameron for MANCC

The School of Dance is the home of the internationally recognized dance research center the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC). FSU dance students have the opportunity to observe and interact with professional artists while in residence at MANCC.

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