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Outdoor Screening of MFA Candidate’s film 劫 Self-Deconstruction

October 30, 2021. MFA candidate Linxin “Kisa” Li presents 劫, Self-Deconstruction in partial fulfillment of the Master of Fine Arts Degree in Dance on October 30, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. at the Montgomery Green Northwest Lawn located on FSU’s campus behind Montgomery Hall.

Linxin “Kisa” Li, MFA candidate in the School of Dance at FSU, presents , Self-Deconstruction in partial fulfillment of the Master of Fine Arts Degree in Dance on October 30, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. at the Montgomery Green Northwest Lawn located on FSU’s campus behind Montgomery Hall.

Kisa choreographed, filmed, directed, edited, designed, and is a featured dancer in her dance film and documentary, , Self-Deconstruction. The film follows the journey of Kisa as she struggles with mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

, Self-Deconstruction visually depicts the misfortune of drowning in an endless nightmare that is associated with mental disorders. Kisa lives reality interspersed between a misty world and a confusing reality. Constantly trying to determine, what is real? Can she escape?

Li offer’s the audience a self-reflective immersive experience into her traumatic internal world.

Li combines her lived experience with literary, film, dance, and choreographic research, along with critical readings and cinematic portrayals of mental illnesses to weave a cinematic work to express the internal experiences of people with mental disorders.

This dance film and documentary follows the journey of Kisa, who has severe mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. The film shows the misfortune and drowning in this endless nightmare.

Li is from Guiyang, China. A filmmaker, photographer, and choreographer, passionate about a variety of art forms. Li’s MFA research focuses on mental health using visual media.

Li began her professional dance training with the Sichuan Province Dance Academy in 2006. Her dancing experience in China gave her many opportunities to perform in national and international settings. Li also danced with Dayton Contemporary Dance Company during her college years and joined their second company in her senior year.

This performance is free of charge. Masks are strongly encouraged and social distancing protocols will be observed. There is no seating provided. There are a limited amount of blankets available to use for seating on the lawn. Please feel free to bring your own blanket or lawn chair.

The cast and crew are available immediately following the first screening for questions and conversations.

For more information about the School of Dance, visit dance.fsu.edu, or contact La Toya Davis-Craig at ldavis3@fsu.edu. The School of Dance is part of the College of Fine Arts at The Florida State University.